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Monday, September 26, 2011

Pro Life Campaign National Conference 2011

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The Pro Life Campaign National Conference 2011 will be held on Saturday, 5th November 2011 from 1.30 – 4.30pm at the Alexander Hotel, Dublin City Centre.  

The theme for this year’s Pro Life Campaign National Conference is 'Advancing the Pro Life Message – Projects that are working'

We are delighted to welcome to Ireland guest speakers Reggie Littlejohn and Ryan Bomberger, both of whom are playing a pivotal role in presenting new and imaginative ways of promoting the pro-life message and exposing the inadequate defences offered by abortion advocates for the routine taking of innocent human life.

Threats to the right-to-life in Ireland remain very real, both from abortion and destructive research on living human embryos. But there are also signs of hope and a renewed energy within the pro-life movement. In addition to the two special guest speakers, Professor William Binchy will give a brief update on the Irish situation and how best we might respond.

Watch a one minute video message from guest speaker Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation below

Pro Life Campaign National Conference 2011

Register now

The Pro Life Campaign National Conference 2011 will be held on Saturday, 5th November 2011 from 1.30 – 4.30pm at the Alexander Hotel, Dublin City Centre.    

The theme for this year’s Pro Life Campaign National Conference is 'Advancing the Pro Life Message – Projects that are working' 

We are delighted to welcome to Ireland guest speakers Reggie Littlejohn and Ryan Bomberger, both of whom are playing a pivotal role in presenting new and imaginative ways of promoting the pro-life message and exposing the inadequate defences offered by abortion advocates for the routine taking of innocent human life.

Threats to the right-to-life in Ireland remain very real, both from abortion and destructive research on living human embryos. But there are also signs of hope and a renewed energy within the pro-life movement. In addition to the two special guest speakers, Professor William Binchy will give a brief update on the Irish situation and how best we might respond.

Watch a one minute video message from guest speaker Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation below


Speaker Bios

Reggie Littlejohn

Reggie Littlejohn is a litigation lawyer and serves as an expert on China’s One Child Policy for a number of organisations and is founder of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, an organisation dedicated to raising public awareness of the coercive enforcement of China’s One Child Policy and resulting human rights abuses.  

Over several years, she has testified before the US Congressional Human Rights Commission, briefed the White House, the European Parliament, the British Parliament and others on this issue.   As a lawyer she has represented Chinese refugees in political asylum cases in the United States



Ryan Bomberger

Ryan, together with his wife Bethany founded The Radiance Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to highlighting  pressing social issues, especially abortion and adoption, with powerful live multi-media presentations.  His Too Many Aborted campaign which focuses on the disproportionate incidence of abortion within the black community in the US has been extremely successful in 2011 and has resulted in widespread media interest including coverage in the New York Times, USA Today, CNN, ABC World News and more.  The extensive media attention enabled The Radiance Foundation, and Ryan’s personal story of adoption, to reach millions.   Ryan’s biological mother was raped. He was adopted as a baby and grew up in a loving, multi-racial family in Pennsylvania.



If you wish to reserve a seat to attend the Conference, please do so immediately as seating capacity will be extremely limited.

Register online here

View conference leaflet here

For any other information or to order conference leaflets telephone 085 271 6066.  

Places strictly subject to availability.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Friday, September 23, 2011

X Factor Contestent Defies doctors to give birth to healthy baby son

Australian X Factor contestant Pamela Cook is an inspiring woman. Diagnosed with breast cancer whilst 16 weeks pregnant, she was advised to abort her pregnancy but refused to do so.  Baby son Zion was born healthy and Pamela was treated successfully for her cancer.

To celebrate and in an effort to embrace every opportunity life gives, Pamela entered the Australian X Factor and during her audition told her amazing story. She also gave an excellent rendition of Kelly Clarkson song 'Because of You'.

To hear Pamela's inspiring story and her audition, watch the X Factor youtube video below

Friday, September 16, 2011

Babies feel pain at 35 weeks gestation according to new study

Last week a study was published which proves that the unborn child can feel pain from 35 weeks.

The study was published in the journal Current Biology. Researchers from Univeristy College London observed 46 babies some of whom were born prematurely in an effort to find ways to more effectively treat newborns.  The scientists measured electrical brain activity while the babies underwent the standard newborn blood test where the blood sample is collected from the baby's heel.  They found that from 35 weeks of development, neural activity in the brain slowly changes from an immature state to an almost adult-like state suggesting that the baby can process pain as a separate feeling from touch.

Dr Lorenzo Fabrizi, who was the lead author of the research paper suggested it was possible that babies felt pain before even 35 weeks.  He said  ‘In very young brains all stimulations are followed by 'bursts' of activity, but at a critical time in development babies start to respond with activity specific to the type of stimulation…..We cannot say that before this change in brain activity they don't feel pain."

Research fellow Dr. Rebeccah Slater said "Premature babies who are younger than 35 weeks have similar brain responses when they experience touch or pain….After this time there is a gradual change, rather than a sudden shift, when the brain starts to process the two types of stimuli in a distinct manner."

Suprisingly some pro-choice groups published information about this study in an effort to contradict studies that have found that the unborn child experiences pain even earlier than 35 weeks and in so doing have put all of those who believe in abortion until birth on the defensive.

You can access the Current Biology Study here

Thursday, September 1, 2011

British Journal of Psychiatry Study cannot be ignored.

A study published today, in the British Journal of Psychiatry, has found that abortion increases the risk of mental health problems for women by 81%. The research also found that nearly 10% of the incidence of all women’s mental health problems is directly attributable to abortion. The meta-analysis research is based on 22 published studies, 36 effects, and brings together data on 877,181 participants, 163,831 of whom experienced an abortion. This makes it the most comprehensive study of its kind to date. Contrary to the claims of some, the study takes account of pre-existing mental health problems prior to the abortion.

Commenting on the results of the study, Pro Life Campaign spokesperson, Dr Ruth Cullen said:

These findings are extremely disturbing and completely undermine pro-choice claims that abortion alleviates mental health problems. In fact, the study further proves that the opposite is the case.

The findings cannot be ignored. They raise very serious issues for everyone regardless of which side they are on in the abortion debate. The best interests of women can only be served by an honest and dispassionate appraisal of the facts.

You can access the Study here