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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

“Incompatible With Life,” A Death Sentence for Unborn Children

In a recent article for lifenews.com, Pro Life Campaign Deputy Chairperson Cora Sherlock outlined some of the challenges in the debate surrounding children diagnosed with conditions that would see them die at birth or shortly thereafter. In the article she said:
“Incompatible with life” – it’s such a dread-full sentence. After all, shouldn’t we instead embrace the language of hope? Especially at those times when there appears to be little or no hope to cling to – these are the times we need it most of all. There are too many instances of babies being pronounced “incompatible with life”, and then going on to live happy lives, for us to accept it as a final judgement in every case. Sometimes doctors get it wrong.
For the full article go to lifenews.com here.