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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pro Life Campaign calls for independent inquiry after shocking revelations about IFPA and HSE clinics

The revelations from an undercover investigation into taxpayer funded crisis pregnancy agencies, published in today's Irish Independent newspaper, reveal “a widespread culture of disregard for women’s lives and health” according to Dr Ruth Cullen of the Pro Life Campaign.

She said: “Regardless of where one stands on abortion, the findings raise huge issues about women’s lives and safety. They also raise very serious questions about lax governance in the agencies.”

Dr Cullen called for “an independent public inquiry into how such professional malpractice has been allowed to go unnoticed and uncorrected by the body legally tasked with monitoring them."

“Since the Health Service Executive (HSE) are themselves implicated in the failure of proper governance of the crisis pregnancy agencies, they are part of the problem and obviously cannot be allowed to supervise the investigation,” she said.

Dr Cullen continued: “Particularly scandalous is the evidence from a number of Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) clinics, an affiliate organisation of the IPPF, that women were advised to conceal their abortions from their own doctors including in the event of medical complications from the abortion procedure. One has to ask why this type of dangerous medical advice is being given to women?   Does it have something to do with protecting the reputation of abortion providers from any negative publicity, at the expense of women's health and well-being?”

 “The legislation (Abortion Information Act, 1995)  under which these agencies are in receipt of taxpayers money mandates a public policy of promoting alternatives to abortion. But the evidence emerging from this undercover investigation suggests a widespread culture of disregard for, if not opposition to that public policy,” Dr Cullen concluded.

See the Irish Independent stories below

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Move by Marie Stopes 'deplorable' says Pro Life Campaign

Commenting on the news that Marie Stopes intends to open an abortion clinic in Belfast, Dr Ruth Cullen of the Pro Life Campaign said:

"It would be deplorable if Marie Stopes were allowed to impose an abortion regime on Northern Ireland in this manner. Clearly the official guidelines in Northern Ireland setting out the distinction between medical treatments in pregnancy and abortion need to be strengthened in light of what is being proposed."

She continued:

"Marie Stopes is in the business of providing abortions and has no regard for the rights of unborn children throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy. They are also in complete denial when it comes to the peer reviewed studies highlighting the negative long term consequences of abortion for some women. I am confident that the elected representatives in Northern Ireland will move fast to stop Marie Stopes from clearing the way for abortion."

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Excellent 4 minute video on current Irish abortion debate

Check out this great new video on YouTube.  It addresses some of the key questions raised in the abortion debate in Ireland and features very moving personal stories.  

Click below to watch and then please share the video on facebook, twitter and other social networks.