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Saturday, February 7, 2015

"Taoiseach Faces FG Revolt Over Party's Abortion Position"

Irish Independent 7th March 2015

Interesting that three reporters contributed to the above-named piece in today's Irish Independent and yet there is not a single on the record quote from anyone in Fine Gael,  just a "senior FG source". So there is zero justification for the headline "Taoiseach Faces FG Revolt Over Party's Abortion Position."
Now that an impression has been created by the piece that Fine Gael fear they will lose votes for not being pro-abortion enough, Regina Doherty or one of her Fine Gael colleagues is sure to go on the record to back up what some of their pals in the media have said. 
Sadly the abortion debate has now become utterly predictable and one-sided. The reality is FG lost lots of votes in the local abortion for breaking its pro-life promise. The same is going to happen in the general election. The Dublin media bubble might think otherwise but the votes Fine Gael in December 2012 after announcing they were legislating for abortion will not be won back even if they try and rebrand the Taoiseach as pro-life as it appears some are trying to do. 

Read the piece here