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Friday, March 19, 2010

Visit by euthanasia campaigner Dr. Philip Nitschke a 'publicity stunt' devoid of concern for the most vulnerable in society

19th March 2010

The Pro-Life Campaign has described today’s visit to Dublin of Australian euthanasia campaigner, Dr Philip Nitschke, as a publicity stunt that has the potential to cause distress to some of the most vulnerable members of our society.

Commenting on his proposed visit, Dr Ruth Cullen of the Pro-Life Campaign said:

"Dr Philip Nitschke’s message, ‘talking up’ the acceptability and desirability of assisting people to end their lives is the antithesis of social solidarity and there is a very real danger that the effect of his propagandising will cause distress to some of the most vulnerable members of our society".

"Dr Nitschke’s visit is first and foremost a publicity stunt. No doubt he also sees himself as some sort of human rights advocate. However he doesn’t seem the slightest bit bothered about the pressure he is placing on vulnerable people to end their lives".

"As a society, we have a duty to reassure vulnerable groups in society that we are totally opposed to euthanasia and cherish the dignity and worth of every human life", Dr. Cullen concluded.

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