The Donegal South West constituency by-election will take place on Thursday 25th November 2010.
The Pro Life Campaign urges those who believe in the right to life and who will be voting in this by-election to only vote for candidates or parties with a record of defending life from its earliest beginnings.
The Pro Life Campaign will be seeking the views of each candidate in the by-election. We will then publish the answers from each candidate on this website and via our Facebook and Twitterpages.
The threats to unborn human life at present in Ireland are as grave as Ireland has ever faced. The Supreme Court has ruled in the R-v-R case last december that the lives of human embryos in clinics or laboratories are not protected under Article 40.3.3 of our Constitution. The Government is preparing new legislation on this and unless pro-life people act now, we could be faced with legislation allowing the destruction of human embryos in clinics and laboratories. And it is possible that the outcome of the A, B & C -v- Ireland case in the European Court of Human Rights will trigger a new push for legislation allowing abortions to be carried out in Ireland.
It's essential that pro-life people send a strong and united message to our politicians telling them that our vote cannot be taken for granted and urging them to protect human life from its fragile beginnings.
To inform yourself of the stance of the various candidates and parties in the forthcoming election, visit our website before voting or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.