The right to life is the most basic of human rights. The
8th amendment assures the equal right to life of mother and baby. Without the 8th in our Constitution
the right to life of the unborn child no longer exists. We need to openly support
the retention of the 8th amendment in our constitution to make it very
clear where we stand. Nodding agreement is not enough. It’s high time we all
leave our easy-chairs and take to the streets; high time to shout with one
voice for the voiceless that all human life is sacred.
In the interest of the common good, it is very important
to be actively pro-life. It is impossible to further the common good if we do
not vehemently and courageously defend the right to life, upon which all other
rights are predicated. Life is often tough, but it is always precious. Life not
only deserves, but also demands, our protection at all its stages. To promote
the common good we must promote the culture of life. Too often, abortion is portrayed
as the caring response to a crisis pregnancy, thus seeking to confuse our
natural human sense of compassion and concern for others. The truth is that such
a culture of ‘choice’, taken as a whole, embodies a concept of individual
freedom which inevitably ends up backing the ‘choice’ of ‘the strong’ over the
weak and defenceless.
Make no mistake about it, those who seek to remove the 8th
know very well how effective it is in protecting the life of the unborn. Whatever
the excuses given, they want to remove the 8th precisely because
they want to remove the right to life of the unborn. Just
under 1 in 4 pregnancies in the UK end in abortion. The US is no different. The
only thing preventing us from these horrific figures in Ireland is the 8th
amendment. If we remove this life-saving provision there is no reason to
believe that our statistics would be any different.
The 8th amendment acknowledges that there are
always two lives to take into consideration when it comes to abortion; that of
the child as well as that of the mother. This is a very important recognition
of the dignity of all human life, and a very genuine expression of care and
compassion for the most vulnerable in our society. Real equality must include
everyone. Please come out on the 4th of June and join the march to celebrate
the 8th. It is truly well worth celebrating!
they develop." p."ey develop." p."
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