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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Abortion is also bad for women

Evidence suggests that abortion can be potentially damaging for women’s mental wellbeing, writes Ruth Cullen

Irish Examiner, Tuesday, 20th December 2011

You may have missed it, but the week before last, a doctor working for Marie Stopes International was struck off the medical register in England for almost killing an Irish woman during a botched abortion.

It wasn't especially widely reported, but the UK's General Medical Council withdrew Dr Phanuel Dartey’s licence to practice after he carried out a number of other botched procedures on women including the abortion which led to the Irish woman suffering a perforated uterus and where parts of the unborn baby were left inside her following the procedure.

Marie Stopes claimed this was an isolated incident, and that they have rigorous procedures for vetting staff who work for them. But in 2001, when he worked with the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, Dr Dartey had been involved in a case in which a woman had actually died during an abortion procedure, an inconvenient truth which somewhat undercut Marie Stopes' claims.

The week before last, also saw the publication of a review by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges on induced abortion and mental health.

One of the most notable things to emerge from the review was its finding that abortion provides no mental health benefit to women.

The finding fatally undermined the medical rationale for the most used grounds of Britain’s abortion legislation. Ninety five percent of abortions performed in the UK are performed on the grounds that continuance of the pregnancy would involve risk of injury to the mental health of the pregnant woman.

We already know abortion is never in the best interests of the unborn child. Now we know for a fact it is not in the best interests of the mother either.

Unfortunately, some of the coverage of the report created confusion as to its actual findings. Writing in this paper, columnist Colette Browne claimed the review nailed “the lie that those who opt to terminate their pregnancies are more susceptible to mental illness.”

However, what the review actually said was that particular categories are more likely to suffer mental health problems following an abortion.

This finding is buttressed by a series of robust, peer reviewed studies, published in highly respected publications like the British Journal of Psychiatry, which link mental health problems directly to abortion.

Increasingly, the evidence is giving the lie to the pro-choice slogan of abortion being ‘safe, legal and rare’. Sadly, the facts indicate that, on the contrary, many women suffer severe negative consequences following abortion.

These uncomfortable facts pose a problem for those who wish to see abortion legalised. So instead of engaging with this reality, they seek to dismiss it, insisting that such women simply don't exist. Hence Ms Browne’s offensive question “where are all the mentally ill women hiding?”

It's the same kind of dismissive tone adopted last year by the National Women’s Council following the launch of Women Hurt, a project by women who regret their abortions and wish to share their stories of hope and healing with other women in similar situations.

Abortion advocates claim that they alone speak for women going through unwanted pregnancies. But who they choose to speak for is quite selective.

They don’t speak for the thousands of women who contemplated taking their advice but changed their mind and now cannot believe that they ever considered ending the lives of the children they adore.

The mounting evidence is that abortion doesn't just involve the death of the unborn child, but also damages women. This is on top of the evidence which has repeatedly shown that Ireland without abortion is officially recognised as a safer country for pregnant women than countries like England and Holland, which allow abortion on demand.

This undermines the case of those who want the Government to legislate for abortion on foot of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decision in A, B and C v. Ireland.

The Government is not obliged to so legislate. For a start, the ECHR does not take supremacy over domestic law. Secondly, the European court in question did not even request that we introduce abortion. It called on Ireland to clarify its laws regarding abortion.

What the Government is obliged to do is act in the best interests of both mother and child, by protecting the unborn and acknowledging the risks posed to the health of women from legal abortion.

When a clear distinction is made in opinion polls between necessary medical treatment during pregnancy and induced abortion, a clear majority of Irish people consistently oppose abortion.

The Government's approach to abortion must be about having an authentic vision on vindicating the most basic human right of all, namely the right to life at all biological stages and conditions of dependency.

Dr. Ruth Cullen is a spokesperson for the Pro Life Campaign.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Abortion Review: Some Women Likely to Suffer Mental Health Problems after Abortion

The Review on Induced Abortion and Mental Health issued last Thursday by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges found that there is no medical evidence that abortion is in the best interests of women’s mental health. However, the review concluded that women in certain categories are more likely to suffer mental health problems after the procedure.

Commenting on the review, Dr Ruth Cullen of the Pro Life Campaign said:

“The most revealing feature of the review is the fact that there is no mental health benefit to women from abortion. At a single stroke this cuts the ground from under the medical rationale for the main part of Britain’s abortion legislation. We already know abortion is never in the best interests of the unborn child. Now we know for a fact it is not in the best interests of the mother either.”

However, Dr Cullen said “the way the review was presented in certain sections of the media helped create the false impression that whether a woman opted for an abortion or continued with the pregnancy it posed the same risk to her mental health. This of course is not true.”

Pro-life groups have accused some in the media of trying to spin the latest findings in favour of abortion rather than highlighting the fact that the review completely undermines one of the main arguments put forward to justify legalised abortion.

On this feature of the debate, Dr Cullen said: “Not only is there no evidence that abortion improves the mental health of women with unwanted pregnancy, and that it heightens the risk to women in certain instances, but there is mounting peer-reviewed research linking mental health problems directly to abortion. This is the reality behind some of the media spin that seeks to divert attention from the facts.”

Following publication of the review, Professor Tim Kendall of the Royal College of Psychiatrists was reported as saying that the focus of research going forward should be on dealing with the impact of unwanted pregnancy rather than on whether abortion itself causes mental health problems.

Responding to this, Dr Cullen said: “Evidently what is needed is more research not less. I know it makes some defenders of abortion uncomfortable but we owe it to women and their babies to end the cover-up about the negative impact of abortion which has gone on far too long.”

Dr. Priscilla Coleman MD, author of Abortion and Mental Health, a study published in September, which comprised a meta-analysis of 22 earlier studies and which examined 877,000 pregnancies has critisised the Review.  You can read her analysis in full here.

Dr. Patricia Casey, Professor of Psychiatry at University College Dublin has also commented on the review stating that it is crucial that the report is fully understood. Responding to suggestions in some media reports that abortion improves women's mental health, she said that such a reading of the review was “highly misleading”. She said: “While the report suggests that opting for abortion or carrying through with pregnancy has equal effect on mental health, it also acknowledges there are certain groups who are likely to develop mental health problems following abortion. This is in keeping with some of the most up-to-date peer reviewed findings showing the negative effects of abortion for some women. I think it is extremely important that women be fully informed about these likely adverse consequences.”

Professor Casey continued: “One of the clearest points to emerge from the review is that abortion does not improve the mental health of women who have unwanted pregnancy. This would appear to undermine the rationale of Britain's abortion law. The vast majority of abortions carried out in Britain take place under the mental health provision of the 1967 Abortion Act. Abortion is not an indicated treatment for any psychiatric condition.”

The review was commissioned by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and was funded by the British Department of Health. It was carried out by the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (NCCMH) at the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Marie Stopes Doctor Struck Off As Abortion Nearly Kills Irish Woman

A doctor working for pro-abortion group Marie Stopes was struck off the medical register in England today for almost killing an Irish woman on whom he performed a botched abortion. The full details of the story are shocking and make a complete nonsense of the pro-choice slogan about abortion being “safe, legal and rare.” It is shameful the way many in the media continue to defend this dreadfully seedy industry.

Read this evening’s Irish Independent coverage here

Friday, November 25, 2011

Survey ignores crucial facts on abortion, says PLC

A new survey which claims that over half of Irish GPs favour legal abortion “fails to take account of key facts,” the Pro Life Campaign (PLC) has said.

The survey, carried out by Dr Mark Murphy from Sligo claims to have found that slightly more than 50% of doctors believe a termination of pregnancy “should be available to a woman who chooses” it. Dr Murphy wrote to 500 established GPs and 250 GPs in training. There was a 44% response rate.

Responding to the poll, spokesperson Dr Ruth Cullen, said that the survey “failed to take account of key facts and distinctions”.

Dr Cullen said: “Crucially, the survey ignores the vital ethical distinction between necessary medical interventions in pregnancy and abortion which intentionally ends the life of the baby.

"For this reason alone, the survey sheds no new light on the abortion debate.”

She also pointed out that Dr Murphy's survey continuously uses the expression “termination of pregnancy” throughout.

Dr Cullen continued: “It is important to note that not all terminations are induced abortions. Birth is a termination of pregnancy as are necessary early deliveries where the baby may be extremely immature. But there is a profound ethical difference between such terminations and induced abortion, which directly targets the life of the baby.”

“As other surveys have shown, when these clear ethical distinctions are pointed out to respondents, it elicits a very different answer,” she added.

Dr Cullen also took issue with the survey's finding that four in 10 respondents believe that “a woman’s healthcare suffers because of the requirement to travel to have a termination”.

She remarked: “The survey asks doctors about the possible effects on women of having to travel for abortion. However, remarkably given the most recent evidence showing the adverse effects of abortion on women, it fails to ask them whether they have encountered women who suffered from undergoing abortion itself.

Robust peer reviewed research highlighting these adverse consequences for women from abortion have appeared in the British Journal of Psychiatry and other authoritative publications.

Dr Cullen also suggested that there were “very legitimate questions” that could be raised about the methodology used in Dr Murphy's survey.

She noted: “For example, even assuming that a correct representative sample was chosen initially, only 44pc of those who were written to replied.

Such a sample, Dr Cullen said “could not be considered as a scientifically representative sample”.

Survey ignores crucial facts on abortion, says PLC

A new survey which claims that over half of Irish GPs favour legal abortion “fails to take account of key facts,” the Pro Life Campaign (PLC) has said.

The survey, carried out by Dr Mark Murphy from Sligo claims to have found that slightly more than 50% of doctors believe a termination of pregnancy “should be available to a woman who chooses” it. Dr Murphy wrote to 500 established GPs and 250 GPs in training. There was a 44% response rate.

Responding to the poll, spokesperson Dr Ruth Cullen, said that the survey “failed to take account of key facts and distinctions”.

Dr Cullen said: “Crucially, the survey ignores the vital ethical distinction between necessary medical interventions in pregnancy and abortion which intentionally ends the life of the baby.

"For this reason alone, the survey sheds no new light on the abortion debate.”

She also pointed out that Dr Murphy's survey continuously uses the expression “termination of pregnancy” throughout.

Dr Cullen continued: “It is important to note that not all terminations are induced abortions. Birth is a termination of pregnancy as are necessary early deliveries where the baby may be extremely immature. But there is a profound ethical difference between such terminations and induced abortion, which directly targets the life of the baby.”

“As other surveys have shown, when these clear ethical distinctions are pointed out to respondents, it elicits a very different answer,” she added.

Dr Cullen also took issue with the survey's finding that four in 10 respondents believe that “a woman’s healthcare suffers because of the requirement to travel to have a termination”.

She remarked: “The survey asks doctors about the possible effects on women of having to travel for abortion. However, remarkably given the most recent evidence showing the adverse effects of abortion on women, it fails to ask them whether they have encountered women who suffered from undergoing abortion itself.

Robust peer reviewed research highlighting these adverse consequences for women from abortion have appeared in the British Journal of Psychiatry and other authoritative publications.

Dr Cullen also suggested that there were “very legitimate questions” that could be raised about the methodology used in Dr Murphy's survey.

She noted: “For example, even assuming that a correct representative sample was chosen initially, only 44pc of those who were written to replied.

Such a sample, Dr Cullen said “could not be considered as a scientifically representative sample”.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Pro Life Campaign welcomes decision of Geron Corporation to cease embryonic stem cell research


This week’s decision by one of the world’s foremost promoters of scientific research involving the destruction of human embryos has been hailed by the Pro Life Campaign (PLC) as "very welcome”.

Geron Corporation, a US-based firm, was involved in carrying out the first US government-backed embryonic stem cell research. But the lack of progress in producing a commercially viable product forced the company to cease its operations in this area.

In a statement responding to the move, spokesperson for the PLC, Dr Ruth Cullen, said that the decision by Geron showed that “research which treats human beings as commodities is unviable scientifically and ethically”.

She continued: “For over a decade, the cheerleaders for embryonic stem cell research (ESCR) have been trying to convince us of its ‘almost unlimited potential’ to cure a variety of diseases.  But the fact remains that in that time period, ESCR has produced virtually no scientific or medical breakthroughs.

“Geron’s decision this week shows that, despite lavish Government funding, this area of research is unsustainable, both scientifically and ethically.”

Dr Cullen also pointed out that adult stem cell research, which is ethically uncontroversial, has yielded a range of medical advances over the same time period.

She said: “In a range of areas, from heart disease to brain cancer treatments, adult stem cell research has produced results that are being used today.

“Adult stem cell science is a win-win solution. It does not involve the destruction of human life and it is repeatedly demonstrating its worth in medical and scientific terms.”

Dr Cullen added that it was now time, following this decision, and the ruling last month by the European Court of Justice to acknowledge the humanity of the embryo, to legislate to protect the embryo from destructive research.

“It is past time for the Government to act on this issue. The Irish people have repeatedly said that they would back laws vindicating the dignity of the embryo, and it is increasingly clear that even the scientific rationale behind ESCR is negligible. The Government must legislate to protect the embryo.”, Dr. Cullen concluded.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

New Opinion Poll Shows Significant Support for Pro-Life Position

Over two thirds of Irish people want to see the right to life of the unborn child protected in law, according to a new poll commissioned by the Pro Life Campaign.

The poll was conducted by Millward Brown Lansdowne on a national random sample of 984 adults.
Respondents were asked: “Are you in favour or opposed to constitutional protection for the unborn that prohibits abortion but allows the continuation of the existing practice of intervention to save a mother's life, in accordance with Irish medical ethics?”

61 per cent favoured constitutional protection for the unborn child, with 17 per cent opposed. Twenty two per cent didn't know or had no opinion.

When this 22 per cent is excluded, 78 per cent of people favour legal protection for the unborn, while 22 per cent are opposed.

Responding to the findings, Dr Berry Kiely, spokesperson for the PLC, said the poll “once again confirmed that the vast majority of Irish people see the unborn child as a fellow human being, fully deserving of the right to life”.

At a press conference in Dublin today to highlight the findings, Dr Kiely said that Irish law “should continue to respect Irish medical practice, which gives the best care in the world to both the pregnant mother and her child.”

She said: “For nearly two decades, international figures have shown that Ireland has consistently been the safest country in the world for women to give birth in. The most up-to-date figures from the World Health Organisation confirmed this again in 2010.

“This is a fact of which many people are not aware, but of which we should be immensely proud.”
Referring to the Government's proposed expert group to look into last year's ruling by the European Court of Human Rights calling on Ireland to clarify its law on abortion, Dr Kiely reiterated that the ruling “does not oblige Ireland to legislate for abortion.”

And she said that there was a range of new evidence which any expert group needed to look at before reaching a conclusion.

She referred specifically to the latest research, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, showing that women who have abortions are significantly more likely to experience mental health problems.
“Those who advocate legalising abortion often make their case in terms of 'women's health'.

Increasingly, however, the evidence shows that abortion can have severe negative consequences for women,” Dr Kiely said.

The survey also asked about the issue of protection for human embryos.

Respondents were asked: “In a recent Supreme Court decision, the judges said that human embryos were not protected by the Constitution but deserved respect and that their protection was a matter for the Government. Do you think the Government should legislate or not to protect human embryos from deliberate destruction either by experimentation or by methods of assisted human reproduction that destroy embryos?

59 per cent favoured the Government legislating to protect the human embryo, 16 per cent were opposed and 26 per cent did not know or had no opinion.

When this 26 per cent is excluded, 79 per cent favour legislation to protect the human embryo and 21 per cent are opposed.

Dr Kiely said that it was “now time for the Government to encourage ethical science and protect the human embryo”.

She said: “This week’s decision by the US-based Geron Corporation to cease pursuing embryonic stem cell research, having invested heavily in that field of research, is a watershed moment for stem cell science.

“It is increasingly clear that adult stem cell research, is both ethically and scientifically the more promising avenue of research. In terms of science and medicine, it is a win-win approach for stem cell science.

“The recent European Court of Justice ruling, prohibiting the patenting of human embryos, clearly recognises that human embryos have inherent rights.  It is time that the Government also recognised this and legislated accordingly.”

Dr Kiely concluded: “These are sensitive issues, but in making public policy in this area, the Government's approach must be evidence and dignity-based. The latest polls show that most people want policies which value the inherent worth of every human being. Irish people reject a vision of society which thinks of people in pure economic or utilitarian terms. The Government should craft its policies in a manner that respects the right to life and dignity of all human beings.”

Fieldwork for the poll was carried out in September 2011 via face to face interviews.

Caroline Simons, Legal Consultant , Geraldine Martin, Education Officer and Dr. Berry Kiely, Medical Adviser at the Pro Life Campaign Press Conference in Dublin today

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New approaches to spreading the pro-life message at Pro Life Campaign National Conference


New evidence and new approaches to spreading the pro-life message should give heart to those committed to defending life, a packed audience was told at the recent Pro Life Campaign Annual Conference.

The Conference, held in the Alexander Hotel, heard PLC Chairman Dr Joe McCarroll encourage attendees to use social media and other new technologies to advance the pro-life cause.

The Conference, which was attended by pro-life advocates from across the country, represented a cross section of ages.  Those in attendance heard from a number of interesting speakers who outlined some of the current challenges.

Opening the conference, Senator Rónán Mullen spoke on the issue of Gendercide, the practice of killing unborn baby girls, which is widespread in countries such as China.

Referencing the recent Private Member’s motion he sponsored in the Seanad condemning the practice or gendercide and calling on the Government to take States practising or tolerating the practice to task, Senator Mullen expressed regret at the Government's refusal to back the motion, and urged them to reconsider their stance.

He also told attendees ‘Never give up making your views heard by your elected representatives.  Make contact with them, regularly but respectfully, that's how the woman and man in the street shape the formation of policy in a democracy."

The Conference also heard from Ryan Bomberger, who works to focus attention on the destruction abortion has caused among African Americans.

Mr Bomberger, together with his wife Bethany founded The Radiance Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to highlighting difficult social issues, especially abortion and adoption, with powerful live multi-media presentations.

Showcasing a number of these presentations, Mr Bomberger impressed on the audience that new media and imaginative videos can have a powerful impact in persuading people of the case for the unborn.

He explained how His Too Many Aborted campaign, which focuses on the disproportionate incidence of abortion within the black community in the US, has been extremely successful in 2011 and has resulted in widespread media interest.

He also spoke about his personal history as the background for his involvement in the Too Many Aborted campaign.   He was conceived following his mother's rape.

He said "It was her courageous choice that gave me the gift of life. And so in my work I'm trying to let others see how she was right, that the choice she made that gave me life, was a good choice, that turned the injustice done to her into a force for liberation and justice for many others."

The conference also heard from PLC Legal Adviser Professor William Binchy about the significant political challenges faced by the pro-life movement.

Professor Binchy explained that the recent ECHR decision in the case of A,B, & C v Ireland clearly acknowledges the right of the Irish people to protect the right to life of the unborn and to decide how this is to be done.  Ireland is not obliged to legislate for abortion following the judgment.

He said “One of the challenges facing Ireland now is the mounting evidence of  negative effects for significant numbers of women as a result of abortion."

There was a good atmosphere, which provided pro-life advocates with lots of opportunities to network and to share tips as to how best to promote the pro-life message.  Delegates were sent home with renewed vigour and hope for the challenges ahead.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pro Life Campaign welcomes decision of Government not to support recommendations calling on Ireland to introduce abortion

The UN Human Rights Council today published its draft report on Ireland’s human rights record as part of the UN’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR). The report included recommendations from six countries for Ireland to bring in abortion. The Government accepted many of the recommendations in the report but rejected all the calls relating to abortion.

Last week, Minister for Justice, Alan Shatter, representing the Government in Geneva at the public session of the UN Human Rights Council was questioned on a wide range of human rights related issues. Some 60 stakeholders and NGOs made submissions to the Universal Periodic Review, including the Pro Life Campaign, which is an accredited NGO of the United Nations.

Commenting on today’s UN Human Rights Council report on Ireland, Dr Ruth Cullen of the Pro Life Campaign said:

The Pro Life Campaign welcomes the decision of the Government not to support recommendations from a number of countries for Ireland to introduce abortion. These calls for abortion legislation fly in the face of the UN’s own recent research showing that Ireland, without abortion, is a world leader in terms of safety for women in pregnancy.[1]

Maternal safety in Ireland, it should be noted, is better than in the six countries pressurising Ireland to introduce abortion. The legal reality is that the recent European Court of Human Rights decision in A, B and C v. Ireland does not oblige Ireland to introduce abortion.

The countries that pressured Ireland to introduce abortion were Holland, Germany, Denmark, Slovenia, Norway and Spain.

[1] Report on Maternal Mortality, UN, UNFPA, World Health Organisation 2010

Read the full UN draft report here

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ireland safer for pregnant women than all six countries pushing us to legalise abortion

The UN Human Rights Council today examined Ireland’s human rights record as part of the UN’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR). Minister for Justice, Alan Shatter, represented the Government at the public session in Geneva this morning. The Minister was questioned on a wide range of issues.  Six countries raised Ireland’s abortion laws and openly called on Ireland to legislate for abortion. The countries were Holland, Germany, Denmark, Slovenia, Norway and Spain.

Speaking from Geneva on today’s UN session, Ms Caroline Simons, Legal Consultant to the Pro Life Campaign, said:

It is interesting to note that Ireland has a much better record of safeguarding the lives of women in pregnancy than any of the six countries that challenged our laws on abortion at the UN session this morning.

The latest UN study on maternal mortality, published in 2010, shows that out of 172 countries for which estimates are given, Ireland remains a world leader in safety for pregnant women.

Contrary to what pro-choice groups claim, Ireland is not obliged to legislate for abortion following on from the recent European Court of Human Rights ruling in A, B and C v. Ireland. It would also be grossly irresponsible to do so, given the sheer volume of published peer reviewed studies, highlighting the negative consequences of abortion for women.

The UN’s Universal Periodic Review presents a genuine opportunity to re-affirm self evident inalienable human rights, the most basic of which is the right to life.  If ending the life of an unborn child were to be officially declared a human right, the term ‘human rights’ would be stripped of all its meaning. Were the UN to adopt such a position, it would do incalculable damage to its credibility as a protector of genuine human rights.

Read the Pro Life Campaign's submission to the UN Human Rights Council here

 View of UN Chamber during Ireland's Universal Periodic Review session this morning 6th October 2011


 Minister for Justice, Alan Shatter, Caroline Simons of the Pro Life Campaign and Special Advisor to Minister Shatter, Tom Cooney.

Pro Life Campaign warmly welcomes launch of San Jose Articles

Comments by Caroline Simons, Legal Consultant to the Pro Life Campaign, Dublin, Ireland, welcoming the launch today in New York of the San Jose Articles:

The Pro Life Campaign welcomes the launch of the San Jose Articles.

The language of human rights has been hijacked and corrupted by abortion advocates. Countries like Ireland have been at the receiving end of scathing criticism for not introducing abortion, all in the name of ‘human rights.’

A complete re-examination of how the debate is conducted is long overdue. The San Jose Articles will play a significant role in informing public policy and meaningful discussion, particularly in international fora. Those responsible for putting the articles together are to be warmly congratulated.

The new charter on life issues by leading medical, legal and diplomatic professionals is being launched at the General Assembly of the UN by Professor Robert George of Princeton University and Ambassador Grover Rees.

For more information on the San Jose articles visit www.sanjosearticles.org

Monday, September 26, 2011

Pro Life Campaign National Conference 2011

Register now


The Pro Life Campaign National Conference 2011 will be held on Saturday, 5th November 2011 from 1.30 – 4.30pm at the Alexander Hotel, Dublin City Centre.  

The theme for this year’s Pro Life Campaign National Conference is 'Advancing the Pro Life Message – Projects that are working'

We are delighted to welcome to Ireland guest speakers Reggie Littlejohn and Ryan Bomberger, both of whom are playing a pivotal role in presenting new and imaginative ways of promoting the pro-life message and exposing the inadequate defences offered by abortion advocates for the routine taking of innocent human life.

Threats to the right-to-life in Ireland remain very real, both from abortion and destructive research on living human embryos. But there are also signs of hope and a renewed energy within the pro-life movement. In addition to the two special guest speakers, Professor William Binchy will give a brief update on the Irish situation and how best we might respond.

Watch a one minute video message from guest speaker Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation below

Pro Life Campaign National Conference 2011

Register now

The Pro Life Campaign National Conference 2011 will be held on Saturday, 5th November 2011 from 1.30 – 4.30pm at the Alexander Hotel, Dublin City Centre.    

The theme for this year’s Pro Life Campaign National Conference is 'Advancing the Pro Life Message – Projects that are working' 

We are delighted to welcome to Ireland guest speakers Reggie Littlejohn and Ryan Bomberger, both of whom are playing a pivotal role in presenting new and imaginative ways of promoting the pro-life message and exposing the inadequate defences offered by abortion advocates for the routine taking of innocent human life.

Threats to the right-to-life in Ireland remain very real, both from abortion and destructive research on living human embryos. But there are also signs of hope and a renewed energy within the pro-life movement. In addition to the two special guest speakers, Professor William Binchy will give a brief update on the Irish situation and how best we might respond.

Watch a one minute video message from guest speaker Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation below


Speaker Bios

Reggie Littlejohn

Reggie Littlejohn is a litigation lawyer and serves as an expert on China’s One Child Policy for a number of organisations and is founder of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, an organisation dedicated to raising public awareness of the coercive enforcement of China’s One Child Policy and resulting human rights abuses.  

Over several years, she has testified before the US Congressional Human Rights Commission, briefed the White House, the European Parliament, the British Parliament and others on this issue.   As a lawyer she has represented Chinese refugees in political asylum cases in the United States



Ryan Bomberger

Ryan, together with his wife Bethany founded The Radiance Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to highlighting  pressing social issues, especially abortion and adoption, with powerful live multi-media presentations.  His Too Many Aborted campaign which focuses on the disproportionate incidence of abortion within the black community in the US has been extremely successful in 2011 and has resulted in widespread media interest including coverage in the New York Times, USA Today, CNN, ABC World News and more.  The extensive media attention enabled The Radiance Foundation, and Ryan’s personal story of adoption, to reach millions.   Ryan’s biological mother was raped. He was adopted as a baby and grew up in a loving, multi-racial family in Pennsylvania.



If you wish to reserve a seat to attend the Conference, please do so immediately as seating capacity will be extremely limited.

Register online here

View conference leaflet here

For any other information or to order conference leaflets telephone 085 271 6066.  

Places strictly subject to availability.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Friday, September 23, 2011

X Factor Contestent Defies doctors to give birth to healthy baby son

Australian X Factor contestant Pamela Cook is an inspiring woman. Diagnosed with breast cancer whilst 16 weeks pregnant, she was advised to abort her pregnancy but refused to do so.  Baby son Zion was born healthy and Pamela was treated successfully for her cancer.

To celebrate and in an effort to embrace every opportunity life gives, Pamela entered the Australian X Factor and during her audition told her amazing story. She also gave an excellent rendition of Kelly Clarkson song 'Because of You'.

To hear Pamela's inspiring story and her audition, watch the X Factor youtube video below

Friday, September 16, 2011

Babies feel pain at 35 weeks gestation according to new study

Last week a study was published which proves that the unborn child can feel pain from 35 weeks.

The study was published in the journal Current Biology. Researchers from Univeristy College London observed 46 babies some of whom were born prematurely in an effort to find ways to more effectively treat newborns.  The scientists measured electrical brain activity while the babies underwent the standard newborn blood test where the blood sample is collected from the baby's heel.  They found that from 35 weeks of development, neural activity in the brain slowly changes from an immature state to an almost adult-like state suggesting that the baby can process pain as a separate feeling from touch.

Dr Lorenzo Fabrizi, who was the lead author of the research paper suggested it was possible that babies felt pain before even 35 weeks.  He said  ‘In very young brains all stimulations are followed by 'bursts' of activity, but at a critical time in development babies start to respond with activity specific to the type of stimulation…..We cannot say that before this change in brain activity they don't feel pain."

Research fellow Dr. Rebeccah Slater said "Premature babies who are younger than 35 weeks have similar brain responses when they experience touch or pain….After this time there is a gradual change, rather than a sudden shift, when the brain starts to process the two types of stimuli in a distinct manner."

Suprisingly some pro-choice groups published information about this study in an effort to contradict studies that have found that the unborn child experiences pain even earlier than 35 weeks and in so doing have put all of those who believe in abortion until birth on the defensive.

You can access the Current Biology Study here

Thursday, September 1, 2011

British Journal of Psychiatry Study cannot be ignored.

A study published today, in the British Journal of Psychiatry, has found that abortion increases the risk of mental health problems for women by 81%. The research also found that nearly 10% of the incidence of all women’s mental health problems is directly attributable to abortion. The meta-analysis research is based on 22 published studies, 36 effects, and brings together data on 877,181 participants, 163,831 of whom experienced an abortion. This makes it the most comprehensive study of its kind to date. Contrary to the claims of some, the study takes account of pre-existing mental health problems prior to the abortion.

Commenting on the results of the study, Pro Life Campaign spokesperson, Dr Ruth Cullen said:

These findings are extremely disturbing and completely undermine pro-choice claims that abortion alleviates mental health problems. In fact, the study further proves that the opposite is the case.

The findings cannot be ignored. They raise very serious issues for everyone regardless of which side they are on in the abortion debate. The best interests of women can only be served by an honest and dispassionate appraisal of the facts.

You can access the Study here

Monday, August 8, 2011

5 year old "living proof" that British abortion limit must be slashed

5 year old Charlie Allen is "living proof" that the abortion laws in Britain need to be changed, according to his mum Emma.  Charlie was born at 23 weeks.  In Britain abortions can be carried out up to 24 weeks and up to 40 weeks in cases where the unborn child has a disability.

Charlie was fortunate to be born at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital where doctors give parents a say on whether or not to resuscitate very premature babies. In Britain, it’s left up to individual health trusts to decide if they wish to follow NHS guidelines which place no obligation on hospitals to attempt resuscitating babies born earlier than 24 weeks.

Either society bases its medical ethics on the unconditional value of each human life or else it is just a utilitarian checklist – nobody has any value unless someone else decides they have value.

An age limit based purely on saving resources isn’t an ethical principal about individual human life.

Read the Daily Mail Report here

Friday, June 17, 2011

Statement from the Pro Life Campaign on proposed expert group on abortion

The Government has announced its intention to establish an expert group on abortion in response to last December’s decision of the European Court of Human Rights in A, B and C -v- Ireland. The Government had until 16th June to formally reply to the Council of Europe, giving an outline of how it proposed addressing the issues raised in the Judgement. The Department of Health has confirmed that the Government’s expert group will not be formally established until November at earliest.

Responding to the Government’s decision to set up an expert group on abortion, Dr Ruth Cullen of the Pro Life Campaign said:

"Following the ECHR decision in December, pro-choice groups have sought to blur the distinction between necessary medical treatments in pregnancy and induced abortion, (where the intention of the procedure is to end the life of the baby).

It is vitally important that the expert group keeps in focus the duty of care to both mother and baby during pregnancy and the ethical distinction between medical treatments in pregnancy and induced abortion.

Contrary to the claims of abortion advocates, the European court did not say that Ireland must legislate to provide for abortion here. It called on Ireland to clarify its law on abortion which is an entirely different thing than saying we must legislate for abortion. It is also critically important to remember in this debate that Ireland, without abortion, is listed by the World Health Organisation as the safest country in the world for pregnant women."

Before the General Election, Fine Gael gave a commitment not to legislate for abortion while the Labour Party stated openly that it would introduce legislation to allow abortions take place in Ireland.

Referring to the pre-election commitments, Dr Cullen said:

"The establishment of the expert group does not preclude an Oireachtas all-party committee from also having an input, in keeping with Fine Gael’s promise before the general election that the abortion issue would be examined in a fully democratic and accountable manner."


Monday, May 30, 2011

Pro Life Campaign invited to make formal presentations at United Nations Universal Periodic Review meetings.


The Pro Life Campaign made formal presentations highlighting Ireland’s record of safeguarding pregnant women and unborn children’s lives at meetings in Cork and Sligo organised by the Department of Justice and Equality this week.

The series of meetings were hosted by the Irish government in a bid to get the views of members of the public on Ireland’s human rights record and were held throughout Ireland to help inform the submission that the government will be making to the United Nations Human Rights Council in July of this year outlining Ireland’s performance on human rights issues.

The Pro Life Campaign was recently granted special NGO consultative status by the United Nations meaning that the Campaign can formally contribute to the work programmes and goals of the United Nations and make oral and written interventions on issues of concern.   The Pro Life Campaign made a written submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council on the abortion issue earlier this year.

Speaking after the formal presentation on behalf of the Pro Life Campaign in Sligo, Anne Maree Quinn of the Campaign said ‘Ireland’s standard of care for pregnant women and their unborn children is second to none.  This is borne out by the World Health Organisation figures which consistently find that Ireland, without abortion is the safest place in the world for pregnant women*.  Additionally, public opinion is constant in supporting the protection of our most vulnerable, the unborn child, whilst safeguarding women’s access to all necessary medical treatment during pregnancy’**
She said “The Pro Life Campaign urges the government to ensure that Ireland’s position of safeguarding women and unborn children in pregnancy is maintained and offers Ireland as an example to the other member states of the United Nations as a country respectful of all human life, born and unborn.”


* Report on Maternal Mortality, World Health Organisation, UNICEF, UNFPA (2007-2010)
**Red C opinion poll February 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pro Life Campaign says downward trend is “very encouraging”

The latest Irish abortion figures released today by the British Department of Health* show a further reduction in the number of Irish women travelling to Britain for abortions.

In 2010, 4,402 Irish women travelled to Britain for abortions, down from 4,422 for the previous year. It is the ninth consecutive year that Irish abortions have declined after more than a decade of upward trends. It marks a 34% decline since the high of 6,673 Irish abortions in 2001.

Responding to the latest figures, Dr Ruth Cullen of the Pro-Life Campaign said:

The Pro-Life Campaign welcomes the continued downward trend in abortions.

It has been suggested that the reduction in abortions may be as a result of more Irish women traveling to countries other than England for abortions. This is purely anecdotal as there is no statistical evidence to back up these claims. In fact, the official figures for countries like Holland have shown a drop in recent years of abortions on foreign nationals.

Over the past nine years, there has been a 34% decline in Irish abortions. It is an extremely encouraging trend and should be welcomed by everyone on both sides of the abortion debate. For years, abortion advocates claimed that an upward trend in abortions was inevitable. These claims have now proven to be false.

Legalised abortion totally ignores the humanity and rights of the unborn child as well as the latest peer reviewed medical research highlighting the long-term negative effects of abortion on women.

Ireland’s abortion rate is now 4.4 per 1,000 female residents aged 15-44 where England’s is 17.5.

*Statistical Bulletin, Summary Abortion Statistics, England and Wales: 2010 (24/05/11)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Lord David Alton corresponds with Your Rights Right Now ‘endorsing’ organisations

The Your Rights Right Now group has made a submission to the UN Human Rights Council which calls for abortion to be made available in Ireland.

Some Irish organisations had put their name to this submission and have been reported as ‘endorsing’ the Submission.    Since the Pro Life Campaign and others have raised this issue, a number of organisations have completely withdrawn their endorsements of the submission. However others have sought to defend their inclusion as an ‘endorsing’ organisation on the basis that the report included a disclaimer and that the Your Rights Right Now submission merely calls for ‘clarification’ of the abortion law rather than legalisation of abortion.

Many people have corresponded with the various organisations to challenge these points, one of whom is a member of the House of Lords and long-time advocate for the unborn Lord David Alton of Liverpool.

In response to the contention that the Your Rights Right Now submission did not in fact promote abortion, Lord Alton quotes the paragraph of the report itself which said “By restricting abortion, the State disproportionately interferes with women’s rights to health, privacy, life, freedom from inhuman or degrading treatment and non-discrimination” and he states “Here is not the place to debate the truth of this statement which I believe to be groundless and profoundly ideological. I quote it merely to illustrate the position of Your Rights Now draftsmen with regard to abortion. Restricting the killing of another human being is here described as an “interference” – a far from neutral statement. I feel, therefore, that it is reasonable to assert that any attempt to claim that Your Rights Now is anything other than a pro-abortion institution is disingenuous”  

Regarding the recommendation in the Your Rights Right Now Submission to  “immediately repeal the 1861 Offences Against the Persons Act”, Lord Alton states “This is the Act which still forms the basis upon which abortion remains illegal in Ireland. Repealing it removes restrictions on abortion. To those who argue that Your Rights Right Now calls for clarification as opposed to legalisation of abortion I would pose a question as to what they feel the abolition of legal restrictions on abortion would achieve if not permissible abortion?”

In response to the contention that the disclaimer at the start of the Your Rights Right Now report is sufficient to justify the ‘endorsements’ by Irish organisations of the submission, Lord Alton says “..an endorsement (as I have always understood it) denotes support. Certainly, the strong claim in the Your Rights Now website that “more than 100 organisations have already signed up to the report” surely indicates that said organisations are pleased with its contents.    He also says “In the absence of a clarification as to which parts of the report reflect the policies of which group, endorsees ought to be alert to the fact that their approval of the report as a whole implies support for its radically pro abortion stance”

He continues  “To take an analogy, I highly doubt that, if this report contained a line recommending that we reinstitute slavery or the death penalty, organisations would feel they could be proximate to such reprehensible practices, even if the document were otherwise a wonderful reflection of that organisation’s policies”

You can read the full text of Lord David Alton’s excellent correspondence with Your Rights Right Now groups here.
Thanks to his intervention and that of a significant number of people throughout Ireland emailing and telephoning the ‘endorsing’ organisations, the Your Rights Right Now report has been seriously undermined.  We expect that organisations will continue to withdraw their support of the submission over coming days and weeks.

You can view the organisations that have withdrawn their support of the Your Rights Right Now report and download the report here

Friday, April 29, 2011

Your Rights Right Now submission to UN Human Rights Council “has lost all credibility” after falsely implying support of other groups for abortion

The recent submission to the UN Human Rights Council from the umbrella group Your Rights Right Now is now completely compromised according to the Pro Life Campaign following the revelation that many of the groups who signed up to the submission were not consulted about the section endorsing abortion. In recent days, several high profile organisations, including Trócaire and the Children’s Rights Alliance, have distanced themselves from the submission over its abortion stance.

Commenting on the latest revelations, Dr Ruth Cullen of the Pro Life Campaign said:

"The Your Rights Right Now submission has lost all credibility. Given the highly sensitive nature of the abortion issue, it is inexcusable that the authors of the report did not see fit to inform the various NGOs about the controversial section on abortion.

It is clear that the main organisers behind the Your Rights Right Now alliance exploited the goodwill of reputable organisations to further a pro-abortion agenda. This is shameful behaviour and thankfully it has now been exposed."

Regarding the specific call from Your Rights Right Now for abortion to be made available in Ireland, Dr Cullen said:

"It makes absolutely no sense for a self-professed human rights group to be advocating the denial of the most basic human right of all – the right to life.

It is also an affront to genuine human rights to ignore all the latest peer reviewed research highlighting the negative consequences of abortion for women and the fact that Ireland, without abortion, is a world leader in terms of safety for pregnant women."


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Abortion advocacy group falsely claims support of other groups in UN Submission

The newly formed Your Rights Right Now group has made a submission to the UN which calls for abortion to be made 
available in Ireland.

A significant number of Irish non-governmental organisations have put their name to this submission, many of which appear to be unaware that their name is being used to promote abortion. Since the Pro Life Campaign and others have raised this issue, the following organisations have withdrawn their endorsements of the Submission;
Trócaire, Crosscare Migrant Project, the Vincentian Refugee Centre, A.C.T.S Transport, EFL Ireland, A.P.S., The National Council for the Blind, Social Inclusion Ireland, and the Integration and Support Unit for New Communities.
Additionally, the Childrens Rights Alliance (an alliance of over 90 non-governmental organisations in Ireland)  has stated that they do not support the call for abortion which is contained in Section 12 of the Submission. 

However many other groups have yet to clarify their position.   

It appears clear that the main organisers behind the Your Rights Right Now report are exploiting the goodwill of reputable organisations to further a pro-abortion agenda.  However, given the fact that many of the organisations which are listed as endorsing the report are involved in separate areas of advocacy, we expect that there will be many more groups opting out of the report over the coming days.
We urge those who are interested in ensuring that a report prepared by an ideologically driven minority does not gain credibility to contact the endorsing organisations and request clarification on this matter.

The list of organisations which endorsed the report was removed from the Your Rights Right Now website on Wednesday 27th April after a number of groups contacted the authors seeking to withdraw their endorsements. However you can download the report here

Below are the email addresses of some of the main groups which have yet to withdraw their endorsements

Organisation Name                                        Email
Adoption Rights Alliance                                info@adoptionrightsalliance.com
A-Z Children's Charity                                     info@azkids.ie
Barnardos                                                         info@barnardos.ie
Comhlámh                                                        info@comhlamh.org
Disability Federation of Ireland               info@disability-federation.ie
Dóchas                                                              anna@dochas.ie
Educate Together                                            info@educatetogether.ie
Foroige                                                              info@foroige.ie
Friends of Londiani, Kenya                      info@friendsoflondiani.com
Galway Traveller Movement                    maria@gtmtrav.ie
Habitat for Humanity Ireland                    info@Habitatireland.Ie
Immigrant Council of Ireland                  admin@immigrantcouncil.ie
Irish Association of Social Workers       office@iasw.ie
Irish National Teachers' Organisation    feedback@into.ie
Irish Refugee Council                                    info@irishrefugeecouncil.ie
Irish Senior Citizen's Parliament              seniors@iol.ie
Irish Translators and Interpreters             itiasecretary@gmail.com
ISPCC                                                             ispcc@ispcc.ie
Mercy Justice Office                                      mercyjusticesc@eircom.net
Ruhama                                                         admin@ruhama.ie
Simon Community                                       info@simoncommunity.com
Somali Irish FA                                                somali-irishfriendship@hotmail.com
Teachers' Union of Ireland                         tui@tui.ie
Treoir                                                                 info@treoir.ie
YMCA Cork                                                        ymcaroi@indigo.ie

Pro Life Campaign makes submission to UN Human Rights Council and challenges Your Rights Right Now submission

The Pro Life Campaign has a made a submission to the UN Human Rights Council, which in October 2011 is due to examine Ireland’s record on human rights as part of its Universal Periodic Review.

Among other things, the PLC calls on the UN group to recognise abortion as a violation of human rights and “to acknowledge Ireland’s outstanding record of care in protecting the lives of women during pregnancy while at the same time affording legal protection to unborn babies.”
The submission takes issue with the claims of pro-choice groups and points out that the recent European Court of Human Rights’ decision in A, B and C v. Ireland “does not require Ireland to introduce legislation authorising abortion.”
The Pro Life Campaign cites the fact that “the judges in the X case heard no medical evidence” and that “any revisiting of the X decision would need to take on board the evidence from new studies that abortion involves significant risks for some women.” 
Responding to the recently published “Your Rights. Right Now” submission to the United Nations from a coalition of non-governmental organisations, calling for abortion to be made available in Ireland, Dr Ruth Cullen of the Pro Life campaign said:
"The Your Rights. Right Now report regards abortion as a human right. It’s an incredibly strange and narrow definition of human rights to deny the humanity of the unborn child throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy. How can genuine human rights be protected if we ignore the most basic right of all, namely the right to life?
The pro-choice movement is very vocal in pushing abortion legislation but shy away when confronted with the latest peer reviewed evidence showing the negative effects of abortion for women and the fact that Ireland, without abortion, is renowned for being a world leader in terms of safety for pregnant women. 
Pro-choice groups are doing their best to create the impression that Ireland is obliged to legislate for abortion following the recent European court ruling on abortion. This is simply not true. The court told Ireland to address the issue but it didn’t instruct the Government to legislate for abortion. The judgement fully respects the right of the Irish people to determine how the lives of unborn children should be protected."

Friday, March 11, 2011

William Reville, 'Euthanasia will always be cheaper than multidisciplinary care of the dying'

In an alarming article documenting the abandonment by contemporary medicine of the Hippocratic oath and the rise in its place of a cost-saving mentality, headed Worrying undercurrent of economics in debate on euthanasia, published in The Irish Times on 16th December 2010, ethical medical commentator, biochemist William Reville, observes 'we hear more and more arguments in favour of euthanasia. Whatever about other dimensions, there is a strong economic undercurrent to this debate. ... Euthanasia will always be cheaper than multidisciplinary care of the dying.' And it is not just the elderly who are vulnerable to the new economically driven pressure for euthanasia. 'today, medical technology is very effective. Not only can medicine heal, it can improve healthy but “sub-optimal” bodies using a wide range of technologies'. 

You can read the article here