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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Why external organisations must not be allowed to tell Ireland how to protect its most vulnerable ... by Cora Sherlock

We’ve become quite used to various prochoice groups in Ireland chanting their slogan “repeal the 8th” as if it were a mantra for a new, enlightened time rather than a means to erase the basic right to life of an entire group of human beings from our Constitution.

But recent events have shown a new, sinister development – the emergence of external groups who are trying to influence the Irish Government on whether or not to hold a referendum on abortion.

Last week was a prime example of this. The UN Human Rights Committee criticised Ireland’s abortion laws, saying that they are “cruel, inhuman and degrading” according to Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The UNHRC has a shocking record when it comes to protecting human beings damaged by abortion. It has never taken countries like England and Canada to task for the appalling abuse of denying medical treatment to babies who survive abortion.  It ignores the rights of these babies not to be subjected to “torture” as outlined in Article 7. In its remarks last week, this same Human Rights Committee didn’t bother mentioning the fact that Article 6 of the ICCPR states that “Every human being has an inherent right to life.”

The bottom line is that the UN Human Rights Committee is more and more becoming a parody of a group that is genuine about its commitment to the protection of human beings.  It no longer speaks from a strong foundation of human rights protection.  The Irish Government should not feel pressured to adhere to its commandments.  Yes, it’s true that we signed up to the ICCPR but we didn’t sign up to be beaten into submission on the issue of protecting the right to life of unborn human beings by a group that no longer respects the intrinsic dignity and worth of every human being living in our society.

Let’s move on to look at the group that helped this complaint make its way to the UNHRC – the Centre for Reproductive Rights (CRR).  This is a global abortion lobby group.  The only reason for its existence is to introduce abortion where no abortion takes place.  Its website even has an interactive map highlighting how far individual countries have “progressed” towards the CRR’s ultimate goal of unrestricted abortion (Ireland is coloured "red", presumably because we're not playing ball).

It goes without saying that the Irish Government should not be swayed or influenced by this international, well-funded and focused lobby group.   But the fact remains that the CRR was in Dublin last week, supported by a number of prochoice groups as it pushed forward with its global agenda and causing a media frenzy that continued for several days.  

Why should we, the Irish public, care about the intentions of a foreign abortion lobby group that acts in this way, helping to bring a complaint to the UNHRC against the Irish Constitution?  The answer of course is that we shouldn’t.  Just as we shouldn’t care about the interference of the UNHRC which produced a report that resulted in an appalling criticism of matters that have been decided by the Irish public. 

In an even more brazen attack on our right to decide such sensitive matters for ourselves, the UNHRC produced a “Questions and Answers” session on its website, presumably to reassure anyone in Ireland who might feel a bit uncomfortable about being told that we have to give up on this wild notion we have that human lives shouldn’t be ended – even when a “Human Rights Committee” tells us otherwise. 

When asked whether the UNHRC were “telling Ireland to introduce abortion”, one of the Committee members, Sarah Cleveland said that “with respect to the Irish electorate”, the Committee had been presented with different perspectives on the opinions of the Irish public.

But here’s the problem – the UNHRC seems to have forgotten that it’s the Irish electorate who decides the laws of this country.  Not the UNHRC.  Not the CRR. And these comments, not to mention the entire report, show a complete disregard for the will of the People when it concerns the protection of unborn human beings, enshrined in the Constitution.  We’re relegated into the place of second class citizens behind these groups that claim to tell us how to protect human rights in our country.

Of course, we shouldn’t pay too much heed to the comments.  After all, in the very next sentence of this reply, Ms. Cleveland expounds on what is perhaps one of the best explanations of why the right to life must be protected, regardless of campaigns to remove it:

“But fundamentally, human rights are not the subject of public opinion polls.  Human rights exist precisely to protect individuals whose rights may not be adequately respected by the majority.”

Luckily in Ireland, we’ve known this for some time.  Since 1983 to be exact, when we took steps to acknowledge the rights of vulnerable human beings in Irish society and enshrined the 8th Amendment in the Constitution. It is now vital that the Irish Government remembers the importance of this act and stands firm against any attempts to initiate a referendum, particularly those that originate outside the State from international lobby groups or UN Committees that are human rights protectors in name only. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

When a Human Rights Committee abandons human beings...by Cora Sherlock

To listen to some abortion advocates over the past few days, you would be forgiven for thinking that we were dealing with a court with full jurisdiction and authority over Ireland. This is not the case.  The UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) is simply that – a Committee.  It does not have the right to impose its views on Ireland.

The Committee came to its conclusion based on its interpretation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), and specifically Article 7.  That provides that “no-one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment”.  This is the headline which is receiving blanket coverage in the Irish media and is being used by abortion advocates to push the case for a referendum to remove the 8th Amendment which guarantees that unborn babies have an equal right to life under Irish law.

There are two important points to be borne in mind.

The first is that the HRC simply doesn’t have credibility to discuss “torture” in the abortion issue. This is because of how it constantly ignores other instances that would stand out as examples of extreme torture, caused by the abortion procedure.  For example, the case of babies who survive abortions when they’re not meant to.  Melissa Ohden spoke about this sick phenomenon in Dublin last weekend and the situation where, (in her words), “babies born alive after botched abortions are abandoned as they gasp for breath and struggle to stay alive.”

This happened to 66 babies in one year alone according to official records in England and Wales.  It happened to over 400 babies in Canada over a 10 year period.  This type of inhumane treatment of newborn babies amounts to “torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment” by anyone’s reckoning – except maybe the HRC.  They have certainly never publicly challenged this practice.  They have never criticised the countries that have allowed this horrific abuse to take place.  They have simply stayed silent.

Silent too has been Amnesty International, who were once a watchdog for all those who threatened the rights of human beings.  Instead, they have fallen in line with a twisted notion of “human rights” which allows international bodies to push for laws that will allow lives to be ended.

This brings us to the second reason why everything this Committee says should be considered as a partisan comment.  They don’t look at the bigger picture.  There is no mention in their report of any rights that unborn babies might have.  As far as the HRC is concerned, the baby’s rights count for nothing.  This is despite the fact that Article 6.1 of the ICCPR states that “Every human being has the inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law.  No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.”

This is a very strong statement of the right to life of “every human being”, and one that doesn’t distinguish between “born” and “unborn” human beings.   Article 6.5 provides for the death penalty to be imposed on some individuals but notes that it is not to be carried out on pregnant women. Regardless of how you feel about the death penalty (and I oppose it), anyone reading this section of the ICCPR will see that its authors made a distinction between pregnant women, and non-pregnant women.  They recognised that there was another human being involved – an unborn baby who could not have taken part in any crime and who should not have their life ended via the death penalty.

The Preamble to the ICCPR talks about how “the recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.” 

Yesterday’s comments prove just how far the HRC have drifted from genuine human rights.  Their viewpoint is so narrow that they have completely ignored the Article in the ICCPR which highlights the most basic human right, the right to life. The unborn baby doesn’t even get a look in.  His or her rights are completely ignored. There is no attempt to acknowledge the fact that a pregnant woman and her baby are two individuals who are each entitled to rights under the law.

The Irish Constitution doesn’t have this kind of narrow focus.  Thanks to the 8th Amendment, it protects the lives of all human beings in Ireland. In that sense, it is far more in line with the true intention of the ICCPR and what should be the goal of international human rights protection the world over – protecting the lives of every human being, born and unborn. It’s a sad state of affairs when this kind of positive protection is criticised by a Committee claiming to speak out for human rights. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Why it's important to Celebrate the 8th...by Mary O'Toole

The right to life is the most basic of human rights. The 8th amendment assures the equal right to life of mother and baby.  Without the 8th in our Constitution the right to life of the unborn child no longer exists. We need to openly support the retention of the 8th amendment in our constitution to make it very clear where we stand. Nodding agreement is not enough. It’s high time we all leave our easy-chairs and take to the streets; high time to shout with one voice for the voiceless that all human life is sacred.

In the interest of the common good, it is very important to be actively pro-life. It is impossible to further the common good if we do not vehemently and courageously defend the right to life, upon which all other rights are predicated. Life is often tough, but it is always precious. Life not only deserves, but also demands, our protection at all its stages. To promote the common good we must promote the culture of life. Too often, abortion is portrayed as the caring response to a crisis pregnancy, thus seeking to confuse our natural human sense of compassion and concern for others. The truth is that such a culture of ‘choice’, taken as a whole, embodies a concept of individual freedom which inevitably ends up backing the ‘choice’ of ‘the strong’ over the weak and defenceless.

Make no mistake about it, those who seek to remove the 8th know very well how effective it is in protecting the life of the unborn. Whatever the excuses given, they want to remove the 8th precisely because they want to remove the right to life of the unborn. Just under 1 in 4 pregnancies in the UK end in abortion. The US is no different. The only thing preventing us from these horrific figures in Ireland is the 8th amendment. If we remove this life-saving provision there is no reason to believe that our statistics would be any different. 

The 8th amendment acknowledges that there are always two lives to take into consideration when it comes to abortion; that of the child as well as that of the mother. This is a very important recognition of the dignity of all human life, and a very genuine expression of care and compassion for the most vulnerable in our society. Real equality must include everyone. Please come out on the 4th of June and join the march to celebrate the 8th. It is truly well worth celebrating!

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

RTE isn't an abortion lobby group and it's time for its presenters to accept that fact...by Cora Sherlock

For the second time in 6 months, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has upheld a complaint against the Ray D’Arcy Show on RTE Radio 1 for their treatment of the abortion issue. 

As they criticised the biased and one-sided nature of the interview, the BAI said that it was “set out so as to encourage support for the Amnesty International campaign” on making abortion more widely available in Ireland. 

The reaction has in Ireland has been swift.  Pro-life supporters were quick to comment on the Pro Life Campaign facebook page and contact the office to say how happy they were that the BAI was doing its job – highlighting items of extreme bias where public funds were being used by RTE to promote one side of a very complex and sensitive debate.

Predictably though, there was a lot of anger from prochoice activists who could not accept that RTE has breached the Code – despite the fact that this is not the first time (a complaint was upheld against the Ray D’Arcy Show for an interview with Colm O’Gorman of Amnesty Ireland when the Amnesty research was being launched). 

Despite the tone of some of these comments, there is no mystery or conspiracy here.  RTE is a publicly funded entity.  Everyone pays for it through the licence fee.  It doesn’t have the freedom that private organisations do and whether some prochoice activists like it or not, it is bound by the BAI Code of Fairness, Objectivity and Impartiality in News and Current Affairs.  Section 4.22 of that Code places an obligation on broadcasters to ensure “that the audience has access to a wide variety of views on the subject of the programme or item”.  And now, for the second time, the BAI has found that the Ray D’Arcy Show has failed to meet what most people would feel is a reasonable standard for a station that relies on public funding. 

On the first occasion, the complaint concerned an interview with Colm O’Gorman.  When upholding that complaint, the BAI went so far as to say that the presenter Ray D’Arcy “endorsed the views of this interviewee and was articulating a partisan position.”   They also found that the anecdotes and human interest aspects discussed on the show were “highlighted with a view to supporting the objectives of Amnesty International, which is to bring about a change in the Irish Constitution.”  If this concerned any other group or topic, there would be huge outcry about RTE taking a position so obviously.   But many abortion advocates were shocked at this earlier decision, just as they are at the latest one.  Seeking some other explanation, they are unable to accept that RTE could have adopted a partisan position, or that the BAI should uphold a complaint when this happens.   

It never seems to occur to those picking holes in this decision that entire groups of people in Ireland are completely side-lined by RTE's biased approach. Families who were pressured to have abortions when told their babies wouldn't survive for very long or not at all, women whose lives were drastically affected by abortion regret, people who have direct experience of the positive effects of the 8th Amendment - these are all ignored by programmes that adopt a pro-abortion mindset.  These people are obliged by Irish law to pay the licence fee to RTE - aren't they entitled to feel that their experiences will be reflected on-air?  

This ongoing bias is a very serious matter.  It clearly wasn’t dealt with or even properly addressed by RTE back in January when the complaint against the interview with Colm O’Gorman was upheld.  Here we are, nearly 6 months on and another complaint has been upheld by the BAI.  This has to stop.  RTE is not an abortion lobby group and it cannot allow its presenters to act as if the repeal of the 8th Amendment is within its remit.

These two decisions are book-ending a period of 6 months when the topic of media bias has been coming up again and again from pro-life supporters around the country. The cat is out of the bag. People are talking about media bias and that won't stop until both sides of the abortion debate are being fairly dealt with on the airwaves.  

No-one is asking for a bias in favour of the pro-life position. That doesn't help anyone either.  What we need is a national broadcaster that is responsible enough to recognise abortion for the complex and sensitive issue that it is and to work to represent all view points fairly.  It's not difficult if the will is there.  The time has well and truly come for RTE to address this serious issue before its credibility as an impartial and fair-minded broadcaster is gone for good.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Why I'm Going To Celebrate The 8th...by Sinead Slattery

The 8th Amendment ensures the equal right to life and importance of all Irish citizens – both the life of the mother and the life of her baby.

I have listened very carefully to the testimonies of Irish women who face a crisis pregnancy and I believe we need to work far harder to find better and more civilised ways to respect and understand their circumstances and concerns in this difficult situation. Despite all of the conversation and debate surrounding the 8th Amendment, the only government report commissioned to identify the factors which contribute to the incidence of unwanted pregnancies and the issues which resulted in women choosing the option of abortion was in 1995 (Women and Crisis Pregnancy Mahon, Conlon and Dillion).

We need a new report and we need a truly enhanced and sincere pro-women environment where women don’t feel like they have no other choice than the option of abortion. I care about women’s rights very deeply and it is my view that women should not have to decide between having their baby or finishing college; having their baby or choosing their career; having a baby or paying unaffordable childcare costs. 

I find it deeply disturbing that should a women experience regret, distress or physical side effects following this procedure, such as preterm birth in her next pregnancy; she is told that it is her fault. She is told that she either has a severe mental illness, she was coerced into the procedure by someone else or she had a negative attitude to abortion to begin with. No accountability is taken by those who carried out the abortion even if the procedure results in her dying in the back of a taxi. Liberalising abortion does not solve the underlying issue, it merely masks it and in my view, women deserve better than this.

We have shown the world that we are a humane society which stands up for the rights of every individual, especially minority groups. The 8th Amendment is a proof point of this as it ensures that each human being in any Irish hospital is given equal medical care and goodwill regardless of their health, their ability and their gender.  This is not the case in many countries where children who have been given a diagnosis before they are born of potentially having a life limiting condition, a disability or they are simply identified as being female.  Whether they are allowed to be born is something which will be decided upon at the discretion of another.

We cannot deny the devastating effects that this would have on our society should we repeal the 8th Amendment and liberalise abortion. We only have to look to other countries to see the devastation that abortion wreaks on human dignity. One in every four human lives are ended in England and Wales before they’ve had a chance to be born. Denmark has set itself a goal to be Down Syndrome free by 2030 and over 160 million baby girls are aborted in countries and cultures where baby boys are revered more highly than baby girls. 

To infer that abortion can be restricted is misleading for many reasons. One example of this is the interpretation of wording e.g. in England and Wales, a cleft palate and club foot are deemed “severe disability” and therefore any baby diagnosed with those conditions can be aborted right up until birth.
I am in favour of choice…but I don’t know any human being that would choose the ending of their own lives, often times very violently, at someone else’s discretion. So if we wouldn’t choose it for ourselves, then why choose it on behalf of the smallest, youngest most vulnerable in our society?

The unborn don’t have a voice, they’re too small. They need yours and they need the protection of the constitution and it is for this reason that I’m going to be there on June 4th to help celebrate the 8th Amendment and find out how I can use my talents to help protect this life-saving provision.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Introducing our Guest Speaker at Celebrate the 8th - Heidi Crowter

All those coming along to Celebrate the 8th on June 4th have  a real treat in store.  Among the guest speakers is Heidi Crowter who is coming to us from Coventry to share her thoughts on the need to protect and guard the human dignity of every human being.

Heidi is a disability rights activist who hasn’t allowed Down’s Syndrome to dictate how she lives her life.  She first came to public attention when she became the target of internet trolls and was featured on the BBC, Daily Mail and other media outlets as she worked with the authorities to help gain control of this serious and ongoing issue.

She then became involved with the “Don’t Screen Us Out” campaign in England to oppose the introduction of a new screening test of Down’s Syndrome which, if introduced, is expected to result in a profound reduction in the number of children born with Down’s Syndrome.  The campaign, which garnered the support of actors, politicians and other public figures, led to Heidi being invited to make a speech outside Westminster in April 2016.  A video of Heidi’s speech went viral on Facebook as a result. 

We are so lucky to be able to welcome Heidi and  her mum Liz to the Celebrate the 8th event.  Heidi continues to smash stigmas for people with Down’s Syndrome, living an independent life and working as a hairdresser.  She has a unique and very personal reason for opposing attempts to target vulnerable children in the womb and her testimony at Celebrate the 8th is sure to be one of the highlights of the day.

Make sure you don’t miss out on this incredible event which will change the fact the abortion debate in Ireland.  Be there on Molesworth Street on Saturday, 4th June from 3-4pm and find out why we need to retain the life-saving 8th Amendment which guarantees the equal right to life of every precious human being in our society.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Why I'm Going To Celebrate The 8th...by Yi Wang

I believe Ireland should Celebrate The 8th for a few reasons, but one of the biggest factors as to why I think unborn babies should receive equal protection under the law is because adoption is why I am here today. 

My grandmother found herself pregnant in her early twenties.  She had no boyfriend, her family was not supportive, and she was urged to terminate the pregnancy.  I am Canadian, and Canada is one of only three countries worldwide with absolutely no laws restricting abortion.  Our abortion laws were set with the intention of allowing abortion in some cases only but in just a few decades the laws had expanded so much that we were left with a country where abortion was allowed at any time, for any reason, and nearly a third of our pregnancies end in abortion. 

My grandmother’s choice to choose life for my mother and give her up for adoption in a crisis pregnancy, especially amidst a culture that so often pushes women to abortion, saved not only my mother’s life, but allowed her to become a doctor and a wonderful mother to myself and my eight siblings. 

If my grandmother had decided to have an abortion, then my mother would never have been born, and I would not be here today.  That’s the reality of abortion and that’s why we need to keep the 8th Amendment in the Irish Constitution – because it is a provision that saves human lives.

I strongly believe we should stand up for the rights of the unborn because every life matters.  I am in medical school, and my studies in embryology in particular have highlighted for me that the humanity of the unborn is a scientific fact, not a matter of opinion.  Ireland has stood alone as a country that has continued to recognize that and to provide world-class care to both mothers and their unborn children.  I think that is something to celebrate, and so I will be there on June 4th to Celebrate The 8th.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Introducing the keynote speaker for Celebrate the 8th - Melissa Ohden

In a move that will bring a whole new perspective to the abortion debate in Ireland, the Pro Life Campaign is delighted to welcome Melissa Ohden as the keynote speaker of the Celebrate the 8th vigil which is due to take place from 3-4pm in Molesworth Street, on Saturday 4th June 2016.

Melissa has an extraordinary story to tell.  She is a voice for the truly voiceless in society – people who survived abortions and were left to die but were saved when a member of hospital staff decided to intervene and save them.  Melissa was one of those babies.

The whole issue of babies born alive and left to die after failed abortions is, understandably, something the most abortion advocates don’t want to address.  It highlights what is perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the abortion debate – how a lack of respect for unborn human life in any way can lead to the kind of abuses that would shock even the most ardent supporter of the pro-choice cause.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that this is such a horrific issue, it’s something which doesn’t come up in the abortion debate in Ireland very often and even when it crops up in other parts of the debate, we find it difficult to come to terms with the fact that anyone would treat a baby in such a cruel way.  

Sadly too, Melissa’s story is not an isolated incidence. Official reports from England and Wales show that 66 babies died in this way in one year alone.  One of those babies struggled for life for 10 hours before expiring. But this fact inspires disbelief, not shock, in many who follow the debate in Ireland.

Just last week, Ireland was subjected to criticism from Canada at the UN’s Universal Periodic Review when Canada called on Ireland to make abortion available. But Canada itself has a record of allowing 491 babies to be born alive and left to die over a ten year period beginning in 2000.  The UN does not stand up for the right to life of these babies and international human rights groups like Amnesty International remain steadfastly silent.

Considering these facts, we hope that Melissa’s testimony will help to focus on the issue of what happens to babies when they are born alive after botched abortions.  What rights do they have? Why do the laws in so many countries disregard them in such an inhumane fashion? 

The Abortion Survivors Network (ASN) was set up by Melissa to help educate the public about failed abortions and survivors, and to provide emotional and psychological support to abortion survivors.  Since its inception, Melissa has been in contact with 206 survivors.

We are delighted and honoured to welcome her as a keynote speaker for the Celebrate the 8th event and we look forward to hearing her contribution on this very complex issue.  

Make sure you don't miss out on hearing Melissa speak - find out how you can organise a bus or find one in your area today!

Monday, May 16, 2016

"Why I'm Going To Celebrate The 8th"....by Clare Cromie O'Toole

I’m going to Celebrate the 8th to distribute sunflower seeds for "Sunflowers for Life", which is a new initiative set up to encourage pro-life advocates everywhere to grow sunflowers as a public witness of their support for life at every stage of development.

As the push to repeal the 8th Amendment becomes more and more likely a topic of a future referendum, engaging the people of Ireland in the conversation about protecting life is hugely important.

The goal of the "Sunflowers for Life" campaign is to provide an avenue for demonstrating support for the pro-life cause in a positive, beautiful, non-confrontational way by engaging people in doing something that strikes a chord with the essential idea that nurturing life is worthwhile.

This simple act of planting a seed and nurturing its growth is a peaceful and positive affirmation of life. It answers the call to stand up and be counted as a voice for the voiceless.

"Everything beautiful starts small
Anything worthwhile needs nurturing"

"Sunflowers for Life" aims to build solidarity across the pro-life movement with this joyful personal and public affirmation so that we can begin to recognise each other whether politically active or not.

Look for the bouquet of sunflowers and come by to collect your sunflower seeds!

And check out our new website, www.sunflowersforlife.com

Friday, May 6, 2016

"Time for Irish Government to stand up to UN on abortion," writes Cora Sherlock

I don’t think anyone will be too surprised to hear that next week’s Universal Periodic Review at the United Nations will provide an opportunity for the UN to apply pressure to the Irish Government on what it terms our “restrictive abortion laws”.
Much like Amnesty International, the UN trades on its reputation for defending human beings but doesn’t live up to that reputation when it comes to unborn babies.  We’ve become well used at this stage to how the UN reviews Ireland on this issue – it ignores the excellent work done by our medical profession and the fact that we are world leaders when it comes to protecting women and babies in pregnancy. 
Never mind that, says the UN.  What about abortion?  Why isn’t that more freely available?  (If only the UN had taken such an active role in questioning the Irish Government back in 2013 when it introduced a law allowing for abortion during the full 9 months of pregnancy when there is a threat of suicide even though there is no medical evidence to show that abortion treats suicide ideation).
When the UPR takes place in Geneva, other countries will be given a platform to ask questions of Ireland – this regardless of the fact that Ireland has a good or better record in protecting women’s lives than any of them.  But still, this is the UN and there is clearly an agenda at work. 
So we’re told that Sweden intends to ask what the Irish Government is prepared to do “to bring its legislation and medical practices in line at least with minimum international standards of sexual and reproductive health and rights and to allow abortion in the most serious cases such as rape, incest, fatal foetal abnormality and serious risks to the health of the mother.”
In other words, Sweden wants to know when the Irish Government will introduce wide-ranging abortion to birth even though the language used in its question tries to disguise this fact.
The Netherlands will asked what the Government will do about “the restrictive abortion regime in Irish law.”
The framers of that question clearly don’t know – or care – about the 2013 Act which is hardly restrictive for reasons already mentioned.
And Germany wants to know whether the Government will review the 8th Amendment “in which the biological existence of a foetus is put on an equal basis with the right to life of a pregnant woman.”
The language here is particularly dehumanizing. We only have a “right to life” because we have a “biological existence” after all, but even the use of the term “foetus” rather than “unborn child” tells you all you need to know about Germany’s intentions in posing this question.
Two things would be great about the UN’s review next week. The first would be if the UN acted as it should, and actually framed a debate that would protect all human lives, born and unborn. While it’s at it, the UN could also ask a few questions of its own – like why countries that do allow abortion do nothing about abuses like babies born alive and left to die alone in hospital corners.  Or what they’re doing to encourage women to find another option, particularly given the recognized but mostly-ignored phenomenon of abortion regret.
But I don’t hold out much hope for that so I’ll opt for the second thing I’d like to see – the Irish Government putting up a robust defence to any questions that try to detract from the life-saving provision that is the 8th Amendment.   They should defend it as something which was chosen by the Irish People and acts as a beacon for the international human rights community.   They should point to the tens of thousands of people who are alive in Ireland thanks to the 8th Amendment.  And they should go to Geneva in the full knowledge that we have reason to be proud, not ashamed of a provision that has ensured our medical profession has not been corrupted by something as negative as abortion.
That’s what they should do – but will they?  On the basis of the last few years, it’s unlikely but we’ll wait and see.  And live in hope because that’s the hallmark of the 8th Amendment itself.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Labour’s abortion proposal would lead to abortion on demand and does nothing to empower women


The Pro Life Campaign has said the Labour Party’s election proposal on abortion amounts to abortion on demand and does nothing to empower women. The PLC’s Deputy Chairperson Cora Sherlock was commenting on the Labour Party’s position at an event outside the Dáil today, in advance of Friday’s General Election.
Commenting on Labour’s policy on abortion, Ms Sherlock said: “No amount of euphemistic language from Labour can disguise the fact that what they are proposing is identical to the abortion regime that exists in England, where all respect for unborn human life has been completely stripped away. For example, in England, 90% of babies diagnosed with Down’s Syndrome are aborted.
“As a society, I think we need to reflect on the horror of what is contained in Labour’s proposal and the total disregard it shows towards innocent and defenceless human life. Voters deserve to know what a vote for Labour would mean on the abortion issue.”
Ms Sherlock also commented on Taoiseach Enda Kenny’s idea of setting up a citizen’s convention after the election to look at the issue. She said the citizen’s convention proposal “has all the appearances of a repeat of what happened in advance of the abortion legislation in 2013. Back then, the Taoiseach initiated Oireachtas Hearings, then ignored the expert medical evidence presented to them and instead caved in to Labour’s demands for abortion to be introduced. Not once has the Taoiseach defended all that is positive about the 8thAmendment and the fact that there are thousands of people alive today because of our pro-life laws.”
Ms Sherlock said: “There is nothing liberal or life-protecting about Labour’s proposal. It is the same tired, clichéd and inadequate response that led to wide-ranging abortion in other countries. What is being proposed would do nothing to empower women or meet their needs when faced with an unexpected pregnancy. Many women who regret their abortions say that all it would have taken is for one person to have offered them support and encouragement and they’d have continued with their pregnancy. Labour’s proposal is the opposite of empowerment and freedom. In the name of ‘choice’ it pretends there is no social or emotional cost involved in going through with an abortion. That is a total betrayal of women.
“Despite all the criticism, the 8th Amendment was a milestone in human rights when introduced. As the debate develops and pro-life stories start to get a hearing, I’ve no doubt more and more people will see the value of retaining the 8th Amendment. This Friday, however, Ireland’s pro-life laws hang in the balance. Before voting, we encourage voters to take note of where candidates in their area stand on the right to life. They can do so by checking the Pro Life Campaign’s website www.prolifecampaign.ie.”

You can find out more by clicking here.

Pro Life Campaign launches election initiative for #GE16

Vote Pro Life Group

The Pro Life Campaign is encouraging voters to give their support to candidates who will work towards retaining the 8th Amendment.
Pro-life volunteers held an awareness event outside the Dáil yesterday evening to launch the Campaign’s election video entitled “Your Vote Matters – Use It To Protect Human Life”. The video is being shared on social media and has already been viewed more than 130,000 times.
Speaking about Pro Life Campaign activities in the run up to the General Election, Deputy Chairperson of the group, Cora Sherlock said:
“We are hearing every day from candidates throughout the country that the abortion issue is coming up on doorsteps much more often than anticipated. They also admit that it is pro-life and not pro-choice supporters who are raising the issue.”
Ms Sherlock said: “I am not at all surprised that voters are raising the issue. Abortion is not something that people are going to raise lightly given the sensitivity of the issue but a significant chunk of the electorate have been following the debate closely and are concerned by the entirely one-sided presentation of the issue in politics and the media and at the way some members of the outgoing Dáil went out of their way at the last election to say how ‘pro-life’ they were, only to turn around and vote for abortion.
“Pro-life voters are rightly more cautious this time around. The memory of how many Fine Gael TDs broke their pre-election pro-life promise in 2013 is fresh in their minds, but so too is the fact that there were principled members of the Dáil who kept their promise and ended up being expelled from Fine Gael for voting against abortion.
“Our election video ‘Your Vote Matters’ is reaching pro-life voters throughout the country to remind them of the importance of using their vote to protect the 8th Amendment. Fine Gael and others like to pretend the pro-life vote is not all that significant. But the massive numbers that turned out to pro-life vigils and rallies in recent years is only a small glimpse of the true strength of the pro-life vote. After what happened in 2013, pro-life voters will be judging candidates by their record rather than their words. In this election, the pro-life vote is likely to play an important role in key marginal constituencies and could well have a significant impact on the outcome of the election.”
The new Pro Life Campaign video is called “Your Vote Matters – Use It To Protect Human Life.” It can be viewed here

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Pro Life Campaign launches election video for #GE2016

I vote pro life sign

The Pro Life Campaign today launched a new election video for voters who want information about the stances of General Election candidates on the 8th Amendment.
Speaking about the launch, Deputy Chairperson of the PLC Cora Sherlock said:
“We only have to recall the pro-life vigils and rallies in recent years to get a sense of the vast numbers of people who are concerned about this issue and where our elected representatives stand on protecting the right to life. We are inundated with requests at present from members of the public for information on the stances of candidates in the forthcoming election on the issue.
“Our supporters are looking for assistance in distinguishing between candidates who say they are ‘pro-life’ and candidates who have a track record in defending life. After the way Fine Gael TDs broke their pre-election pro-life promise in 2013, pro-life supporters are rightly much more caution about accepting the word of candidates.
“We are currently compiling information so that voters will have accurate and detailed information before Election Day on the positions of election candidates. The video we are launching today is just one of the ways we are spreading the word and encouraging people to use their vote to protect life.
“There is a noticeable tendency in much of the media to blame the 8th Amendment for everything whenever abortion is in the news. It’s easy to do that if the focus is only on one side of the story. It is only fair that the pro-life side would also get a hearing too and that the tens of thousands of lives saved as a result of the 8th Amendment would also feature prominently in the debate.”

You can find out more by clicking here.

PLC welcomes passing of pro-life motion by Kerry County Councillors


The Pro Life Campaign has welcomed the passing of a motion in Kerry County Council yesterday, calling on the Government not to take any action which could lead to change or repeal of the 8th Amendment.
Commenting on the motion which was passed by a majority of 10 to 1, PLC spokesperson Cora Sherlock said:
“The 10-to-1 majority passing of this motion is to be welcomed. By stating that the Government should not interfere with the 8th Amendment, the Councillors have acknowledged that every human being should have their rights protected in Irish law, whether born or unborn.
“The 8th Amendment is responsible for saving the lives of tens of thousands of people in Ireland today. We must work towards a society where this protection continues, and where the necessary financial, social and other supports are put in place so that no woman feels she must resort to the sadness of abortion and the loss of her unborn child.”

You can find out more by clicking here.

PLC says Minister Varadkar only listens to one side of the story on abortion


The Pro Life Campaign says Minister for Health Leo Varadkar has yet again called for repeal of the 8th Amendment to allow for abortion where babies have a terminal illness, even though he has never once agreed to meet with parent of babies who continued with the pregnancy in similar situations. The PLC was responding to the Minister’s latest call today for repeal of the 8th Amendment.
Pro Life Campaign Deputy Chairperson Cora Sherlock said:
“Minister Varadkar comments on abortion every other day but he has never taken the time to meet with families who have continued with their pregnancies when their babies were diagnosed with a life-limiting condition. It is extremely regrettable that the Minister sees fit to campaign so stridently on this issue without making sure he has heard both sides of the story. It is shameful how one-sided Fine Gael have become on this issue.”

You can find out more by clicking here.

“Minister Reilly must defend 8th Amendment before UN Committee,” says PLC

geneva building

13th January 2016

The Pro Life Campaign has said that the Minister for Children must ensure that his comments before a UN Human Rights Committee this week represent all children in Ireland, born and unborn.
Spokesperson Sinead Slattery said:
“The Convention on the Rights of the Child provides explicit protection for the rights of the unborn child in international human rights law, highlighting in its Preamble that the Child needs special safeguards and legal protection, ‘before as well as after birth’. The 8th Amendment fulfils this requirement by guaranteeing the equality of the unborn child in Irish law, and protecting their most basic right of all, the right to life.
“Any criticism that the UN Committee makes of this aspect of Irish law should be roundly rejected by Minister Reilly. Instead, a robust defence of this life-saving provision should be provided as it is abundantly clear that the 8th Amendment, the Life Equality Amendment, is responsible for saving tens of thousands of lives since its introduction.”

You can find out more by clicking here.

RTÉ’s wall to wall bias on abortion deserves to be an election issue, says Sherlock


The Pro Life Campaign has strongly criticised RTÉ’s treatment of the abortion issue following last night’s interview on the Late Late Show with the incoming Master of the Rotunda Hospital, Professor Fergal Malone. The Pro Life Campaign accused RTÉ of repeatedly pushing the case for abortion and “censoring the devastating personal stories of women who regret their abortions and of families who came under intense and inappropriate pressure from medical staff to abort their son or daughter but refused.”
Commenting about last night’s programme, Pro Life Campaign spokesperson Cora Sherlock said: “It is far from acceptable that RTÉ only ever presents the case for abortion and completely blanks the other side of the argument. The Master of the Rotunda is free if he chooses to only tell one side of the story but RTÉ is legally obliged to present both sides.”
Ms Sherlock continued: “I know several families who were pressured and in some cases literally bullied by medical staff to abort their babies but refused. I know one woman who hasn’t worked a day in over ten years after an abortion where she heard her baby cry. The heartbreak that some people experience after abortion is simply unbelievable.
“But RTÉ thinks it’s perfectly okay that these and other harrowing stories from a pro-life perspective should be censored at every turn from listeners and viewers. It is a scandal that the country’s national broadcasting station feels it can behave in such an appallingly undemocratic way.
“It has reached a point where the deep-seated bias at the heart of RTÉ deserves to be an election issue. People are tired of the wall to wall bias every day. Licence fee paying members of the public certainly deserve better. The conduct of RTÉ on abortion is shaping up to become a very big story in itself in the coming months. And that’s as it should be.”

You can find out more by clicking here.

Minister Fitzgerald “completely out of touch with electorate on abortion”, says PLC

frances fitz

1st January 2016

The Pro Life Campaign has said that comments by  Minister Frances Fitzgerald and Deputy Paschal Donohoe on abortion are further proof that this Government is completely out of touch with the electorate when it comes to addressing the needs of those facing unplanned pregnancies.
Commenting as part of the PLC’s New Year message, Deputy Chairperson Cora Sherlock said:
“It’s a very sad state of affairs when the first message of the new year is one that highlights the determination of some Government Ministers to target the lives of the most vulnerable members of Irish society.  There is something very unseemly about the way Minister Frances Fitzgerald insists that Fine Gael can ‘deal with’ abortion with or without the Labour Party. Tens of thousands of people are alive in Ireland today thanks to the 8th Amendment. It is a life-saving provision, not a political football.”
“Minister Fitzgerald is being deliberately disingenuous when she distances herself from the term ‘abortion on demand’. She knows, as well as all others involved in this debate,  that any repeal or dismantling of the 8th Amendment would result in widescale abortion over time.”
In terms of what 2016 holds for the pro-life movement,  Ms. Sherlock had this to say:
“The huge numbers of people becoming involved in the Pro Life Campaign is a sign that Minister Fitzgerald and those who want to repeal the 8th Amendment are drastically out of step with the electorate. It is high time for the Government to take a step back and work on the ways they can help families keep their babies instead of constantly talking about abortion,” she concluded.

You can find out more by clicking here.

Minister Harris’ comments on abortion “disappointing but not surprising” says PLC

simon harris

Simon Harris went to extraordinary lengths before the last general election to court pro-life votes
The Pro Life Campaign has said the call by Minister of State Simon Harris for a referendum to repeal the 8th Amendment is disappointing but not surprising. The PLC’s Deputy Chairperson, Cora Sherlock said Minister Harris’ comments are “indicative of the blinkered attitude of this Government when it comes to abortion. Instead of working to improve perinatal hospice facilities for the families of babies with life-limiting conditions, the entire focus is on the further liberalisation of abortion.”
She said: “The real tragedy here is that many families in these situations travel abroad for abortion and are devastated when they return to learn for the first time that perinatal hospice care exists as an alternative to abortion. With government ministers and others placing all the focus on abortion rather than putting resources in place for better perinatal care facilities, some families are opting for abortion that would otherwise not do so. That’s the real scandal and Minister Harris’ latest comments just add to it.
Ms Sherlock said: "Simon Harris went to extraordinary lengths before the last general election to court pro-life votes. He wasn’t just satisfied quoting the then Fine Gael commitment not to legislate for abortion. He gave his own personal commitment as well which he subsequently broke of course in 2013. His behaviour is the kind of thing that makes some people very cynical about politics. He obviously now believes it is right and proper that the law should regard unborn babies with life-limiting conditions as less worthy of legal protection than other human beings. That’s an incredible position for him to adopt but it’s the obvious logic of his position when you take a closer look. He has arrived at this position, to the best of my knowledge, without ever meeting with groups like One Day More or Every Life Counts, representing families who are devastated at the disregard and disrespect shown by politicians and commentators to their sons or daughters with life-shortening conditions. Given how he broke his pro-life promise in 2013, Minister Harris’ latest statement on abortion is disappointing but not surprising."

You can find out more by clicking here.