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Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Pro Life Campaign condemns Taoiseach’s ‘disgusting attempt to demonise pro-life movement’
Real victims in this story are unborn children and mothers affected by abortion
The Pro Life Campaign (PLC) has rejected the Taoiseach's latest reference to alleged intimidating or unpleasant contact from people concerned about the Government's abortioon proposal, saying he is out to demonise the pro-life movement.
"It’s interesting that the last time the Taoiseach complained of harassing or unpleasant behaviour was just after the highly successful Unite for Life vigil in January", said PLC spokesperson Cora Sherlock. “Now the Taoiseach is making lurid claims again – just after the largest ever pro-life demonstration in Ireland, the National Vigil for Life last Saturday.”
“This is nothing more than spin designed to distract from the Bill. It’s a disgusting attempt to demonise the pro-life movement rather than debate the proposed legislation”, Ms Sherlock said.
“We remind him that pro-life people also suffer harassment. Only last week people at the Pro Life Campaign received death threats. Instead of issuing a press release, we reported it to the Gardai and we would encourage the Taoiseach to do likewise. That way, he is not putting ideas into the heads of other disturbed people who might piggyback on this or any other campaign.
“We believe that the Taoiseach is trying to make capital out of this situation, to distract from his highly dangerous and unjust abortion proposal. We remind him that the real victims here are the unborn children who will be vulnerable to abortion on request – and some at a late term of pregnancy – on the basis of a threat of suicide. And the mothers, some of whom will suffer negative mental health consequences in the future as a result of their abortion.
"The Government is also trying to confuse people into thinking that the proposed abortion legislation is restrictive," Ms. Sherlock said.
“The Taoiseach claimed today that the number of children who will lose their lives every year will not rise above the 30 who die as a result of necessary medical interventions. Is he saying that no abortions will take place on the suicide ground? Who is advising him to say this and do they have any respect for the truth?” Ms Sherlock asked.
Ms Sherlock noted that pro-life Government TDs and Senators had been pressurised by the Taoiseach and his Ministers over the legislation.
“People have been bullied and cajoled, and County Councillors have been drafted in to threaten TDs and Senator that they will lose their political support if they vote against abortion. This is not the right way to pass a law in a democracy. It's time to shout stop."
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